Our Story
Your Success is What Drives Us...
At St. James Tutoring, Inc., we know that learning is not one size fits all. Finding the study method that suits you is the best way to ensure improvement in your scores and overall academic achievement. When learning becomes fun, motivation grows, and good results are sure to follow.
This attitude is what makes us such a successful Tutoring School. Since our founding in 1989, our rigorous curriculum has helped hundreds of students get accepted to their dream universities. We provide world-class guidance that helps you achieve your goals.

Welcome to
St. James Tutoring
Your Path to Success
Meeting the needs of all students through individualized instruction, one subject at a time.
St. James Tutoring, Inc.
Expert Learning Solutions

Guaranteed Results
Rigorous Study. Real Results.
Top Faculty
Our Competitive Advantage
Trusted Teaching Methods
We Put Our Students First
K-12 Instruction, In-Patient and Out-Patient Hospital Educational Services, Group Homes, Test Preparation, One-to One Private Tutoring, Group Study, and much more.
St. James Tutoring, Inc.
Our bright and knowledgeable teachers coupled with our small class sizes make for the perfect learning environment. Read on for a list of some of the courses we offer, or contact us to find out more.
PSAT & SAT Test Prep Available
Learn how to beat those tricky questions and accelerate your academic capabilities with the SAT Prep Course. This bookable course is the perfect way to improve your skills, reduce testing anxiety, and boost your scores.

Contact Us:
Elizabeth Creedon, Owner
St. James Tutoring, Inc
Education at Mather
403 North Country Road
St. James, NY 11780
Phone (631) 584-5318
Fax (631) 584-5953

“Children are like wet cement, whatever fall on them makes an impression.”
~Haim Ginott
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
-Albert Einstein

"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
–Benjamin Franklin

“All I have learned, I learned from books.”
― Abraham Lincoln